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Tuesday 19 November 2013

Jodha Akbar 19th November 2013 Written Episode

 Jodha Akbar 19th November 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1
Doctor is hiding from the goons, then she start writing letter for jalal, she writes that the culprit behind pregnancy conspiracy is a veiled women and she wears green thread and bangle and an anklet. Goons find her so she hide letter in plant, they kill her, salima comes to doctor’s clinic with jalal’s gift and find her dead, here jalal tells adka about conspiracy and that they have to find him/her, salima comes and informs jalal that doctor is being killed, adka and jalal rushes to clinic and see doc killed, jalal says someone killed her in a very ruthless manner, he orders to dig her grave and to give full support to her family, he says after this much security in palace, how come she is being killed, i want answer, adka nods. Soldiers are taking her dead body when jalal notice dust on doctor’s hand and wonder why dust? Salima ask what happened, jalal finds everywhere in clinic and says to salima that maybe she knew about danger and left some clue, i found dust on her hands, he finds in plants and get that letter, salima reads letter which says she is a veiled women, she forcefully took meds from me and wears thread, bangle and soundful anklet, i wanted to tell salima but couldnt. Salima says its same women that i found in kitchen, jalal says doc knew about culprit so she killed her but doc showed loyalty till her last breath, he says culprit is in palace and wanted to create misunderstanding between me and jodha so i would kill her or left her in amer, he says we have to keep an eye and find the women with these jewelry, adka ask about celebration, jalal says it will take place as all would be there so we can find culprit, jodha is not pregnant but this celebration is important.Some man is shown in dark, goons tell him that doc is being killed, he says good now in celebration she(veiled women) will do her last task.
Scene 2
Adham comes to maham and tell her abul mali is defeated by munim khan and he will be minister, i will have power now, maham ask how? Adham saysmaham says i fear that adka is close to jalal and jalal can make him cheif minister, adham says i will handle him. He ask about unborn child, maham says he will be heir or not, we will know after his birth, adham ask what? Maham says jalal know everything about this child, he had scuffle with jodha but why he is showing that he is happy and celebrating, adham says he has gone blind in jodha’s love thats why ignoring it, maham says this will bring storm one day in their lives and it will be fun to watch , now let see this fake celebration.
Scene 3
Resham ask hoshiyar whether ruks will come, hoshiyar says when is sidelined then she make excuses like fever etc, ruks calls him and ask where is my dress for celebration, he ask will you come? She says this celebration is for jalal and i am special wife so i will participate and i will be dressed beautifully for jalal’s celebration.
Scene 4
Jodha is getting ready and remember jalal’s words to hamida and about ring, she is tensed, moti ask her to be calm, jalal comes in, jodha thinks he is here to say more bitter words, jalal thinks i am happy that you are innocent but i cant tell you that you are not going to be mother. Jalal says to jodha that i came to take you to celebration, he sees ring in her hand and says i am happy that you wore it, jodha says i did but not for your happiness but for ami jaan, i am not willing to come in this celebration but i am helpless, jalal says i am also doing this being helpless, he ask her to come, they come outside, jodha says after this child is born i will him/her to you and leave, jalal thinks how to tell you, you are not pregnant, jodha says i dont want to hurt this innocent child but precap
Scene 5
Jodha says you are happy as your wish of becoming father is coming true but i had to pay price of my respect for this, jalal thinks how can i say that this time also my wish is not coming true, i had thought these names when ruks was pregnant but couldnt become father, i have to participate in fake celebrations now. Venuejodha ask whether you are guilty for your behavior, jalal says now i am becoming father i only that, jodha says if you this much time with an animal he get attached to you but you only care for your wishes, you are selfish , jalal says what happened night was with your consent, jodha says no, jalal says you dont remember that you liked my touch, you took me in your arms and loved me, jodha says its a lie lie lie, jalal smiles flirtly j
odha leaves angerly.
At the jashn jalal is sitting next to Jo looking very angry and searching every where for clues …he thinks that he had to find the culprit during this jasn … He exchanges glances with salima
Salima notices a lady with green kadas bringing drinks for the royal couple … Jalal notices too he does points to salima to follow that lady
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Item Reviewed: Jodha Akbar 19th November 2013 Written Episode Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown